Let’s celebrate!
Learn more about my exciting collaboration with Charlie Madison Originals!
Two military spouses partner to support the active-duty military community.
Spouses are the backbone of military families -but there is a crisis brewing.
Spouses are the backbone of military families.
Friendship tent poles
It’s not always easy to figure out what kind of tent pole that value, opinion, or action represents in a friendship.
To write a book
Over the years I’ve actually been surprised by how few books have been written by astronaut spouses about their experiences.
Is it okay to party on Memorial Day? (or does that make me an ungrateful American?)
If those fallen heroes were here today, I have no doubt they would want you to fire up that BBQ.
An ode to the little guy and finding the sweet spot.
There is a magic to being a small fish.
What’s your exit strategy?
Why do some periods of our lives seem to drag on forever while other seasons drive forward?
Why all leaders, including ourselves, need to be held accountable.
When it comes to our own leadership, we often hesitate to put significant leadership accountability practices into place. “It’s hard enough to lead as it is,” we think to ourselves…
We need to Pause, Assess, & Reflect
How do we find the time to pause, reflect on the past, and assess where we are today?